Zero Discrimination Day

March 1, Saturday

Zero Discrimination Day
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Zero Discrimination Day is celebrated annually on March 1 and is intended to draw attention to issues of equality and protection of the rights of all people, regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability and other factors. On this day, the UN and other international organizations emphasize the importance of creating an inclusive society free from bias and discrimination.

Traditions and Events
Information Campaigns. On this day, the UN, human rights organizations and social movements launch educational campaigns to draw attention to the problems of discrimination and inform people about their rights.

Public Speaking and Debates. Discussions, forums and conferences are organized where representatives of various fields discuss ways to overcome discrimination in society, laws and in the workplace. Activists, politicians, scientists and NGO representatives often speak at these events.

Social Media. Flash mobs and campaigns are launched on social networks using hashtags such as #ZeroDiscrimination. People share personal stories, photos, and slogans calling for respect and equality, spreading the message of inclusion and acceptance.

Public events and art exhibitions. In some countries, art projects, installations, exhibitions, and events on the topic of equality and tolerance are organized to visually emphasize the importance of inclusion and acceptance of all people.

Educational programs. Special classes and lectures on discrimination and respect for differences are held in schools and universities, which helps to educate young people about the values ​​of tolerance and equality.

Zero Discrimination DayOfficial website

Zero Discrimination Day – days left: 364. Create Countdown to Event

Zero Discrimination Day in other years

Zero Discrimination Day in other countries

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